Every Thursday, more than two thousand Thursdays ago, at Plaza de Mayo at 3pm, right in front of the Government House in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the mothers who protest against the disappearance of their daughters and sons during the last dictatorship that ruled the South American country have been meeting up. After one of their weekly roams, Nora Cortiñas (Madres de la Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora) sent a support message to Women’s Boat to Gaza.
“Madres de la Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora, Nora, Mirta, send our best wishes to the collective that will travel to Gaza to support the women’s fight there. We are not able to go this time but we are moving closer to that moment. We wish you a good journey full of strength in which you can embrace all those women and tell us about it when you come back. We will join you as soon as possible. A big hug to all Palestinian women and men.”
The two ships, Amal-Hope and Zaytouna-Oliva, set sail from Barcelona on September 14, to pass through different ports in Europe before heading to Gaza. Recognizing the importance of the crossing as the flag of the denunciation of the constant violation of human rights in Palestine, and waiting for the news on his return bring us women this time travel, Nora expresses interest in joining in an upcoming trip.
Article and audiovisual production by: Alexandra Vega-Rivera and Albertina Lombardo Guzzo